Tony Blunden
Tony has worked in the City of London for over thirty years primarily within risk management and related areas in financial services organizations. Prior to joining RiskLogix, he spent four years as Director of Operational Risk within the Financial Services Risk Management Practice at Ernst & Young. Tony’s area of focus is the identification and development of clients’ needs in operational risk, as well as being a frequent conference speaker and author of numerous articles on risk.
Client engagements have included advising and guiding on risk frameworks and governance, risk and control assessments, indicators of key risks, loss databases and their use, modeling of operational risk and risk reporting as well as risk appetite, the use of six sigma and enterprise wide risk management. As well as assisting many clients overcome the more difficult parts of the basics of operational risk, Tony has been deeply involved in state-of-the-art operational risk modeling and deriving business benefits from operational risk management.
Tony is recognized throughout the industry as a world leading authority on operational risk and brings deep domain knowledge and the practical experience of advising a considerable number of blue chip companies on operational risk. Tony is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries, an Honorary Professor at Glasgow School for Business and Society and co-authored ‘Mastering Operating Risk’ published by Financial Times Prentice Hall in August 2010.