RiskLogix ESG

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is a crucial area for firms to set goals, manage and measure the impact of their business activities, policies and procedures on all areas of the firm and its stakeholders. 

ESG has a direct impact on a firm’s reputation, valuation, revenue and profitability[1]

RiskLogix has created an ESG solution that meets current requirements to manage ESG effectively, with built-in future proofing as new regulations and requirements are introduced around the World.

RiskLogix ESG is a standalone solution that can integrate with other GRC applications, including the award-winning RiskLogix aCCelerate GRC + platform.

RiskLogix ESG enables firms to have an integrated end-to-end solution, from ESG objectives and material topics through to 3rd part supply chain management.

[1] ESG and Financial Performance: NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business and Rockefeller Asset Management meta-analysis of over 1,000 studies





Automated workflow

Issues and remediation


Alerts and reporting

Supply chain management

RiskLogix ESG Key Benefits

Supply chain management

Monthly composite report for ESG committee