RiskLogix in association with
UK Finance -
ESG Courses

The courses each provide a theoretical and practical understanding of ESG, covering the basic
processes up to the most advanced practices and are suitable for any ESG practitioner, risk
practitioner and member of management who wants to get familiar with the processes required
to manage ESG exposure.
The courses comprise of 3 sessions each of 3 hours and are live online intensive courses that
provide a technical yet practical understanding of ESG, and are designed to improve your
knowledge, skills and expertise in ESG management techniques, practises and systems. Each
3-hour session is self-contained and can be booked and taken separately. All 3 sessions taken
together will give the participant an unrivalled understanding of ESG management. You will be
encouraged to use these live sessions to ask questions as they occur to you.
Course 1 – ESG Introduction and Material Topics
10:00 – 13:00
Venue: Online
The course provides a theoretical and practical introduction to ESG and its material topics,
covering a discussion of an approach to ESG strategy and objectives; identifying ESG topics
and architectures; and, how to deduce the topics which are material to the firm and its
stakeholders. These basic processes are suitable for any ESG practitioner, risk practitioner and
member of management who wants to get familiar with the processes required to manage ESG
Learning outcomes
By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
• Describe how to manage ESG
• Explain why ESG is more than GRC
• Discuss ESG objectives
• Apply ESG architectures
• Identifying ESG topics and explain which ones are material
• Differentiate between material topics in different industries
Course 2 – ESG Management Tools
10:00 – 13:00
Venue: Online
The course provides a theoretical and practical evaluation of ESG management tools, covering
assessing the threats to ESG material topics and how to mitigate the threats; identifying the
metrics and target levels that will assist in managing ESG exposure; and, capturing and
analysing ESG events and incidents. These tools and processes are suitable for any ESG
practitioner, risk practitioner and member of management who wants to get familiar with the
tools and processes required to manage ESG exposure.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
• Analyse the threats to ESG material topics
• Identify and appraise relevant and appropriate mitigation to those threats
• Differentiate metrics to material topics between predictive metrics (a.k.a. early warning
• signals) and lagging metrics
• Construct dashboards for metrics showing the threats to ESG material topics
• Distinguish between cause, events and effects of ESG incidents
• Design root cause analysis for ESG events
Course 3 – Building on ESG Data, including ESG reporting
10:00 – 13:00
Venue: Online
The course provides a theoretical and practical analysis of the further use of ESG data, including
in ESG reports, and covers developing ESG material topic scenarios; using Monte Carlo
analysis to gain better business benefit from ESG data; formulating ESG material topic appetite;
and, designing ESG reports. This analysis is suitable for any ESG practitioner, risk practitioner
and member of management who wants to get familiar with the further use of ESG data to
manage ESG exposure.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
• Propose scenarios for ESG material topics
• Distinguish between ESG stress tests and ESG scenarios
• Review and, where necessary, revise ESG data so that Monte Carlo analysis can be
• applied to it
• Describe and imply the business benefits to ESG management from Monte Carlo
• analysis of ESG data
• Evaluate and assess ESG appetite
• Differentiate between ESG appetite frameworks, ESG appetite statements and ESG
• appetite targets
• Construct and select appropriate ESG reports
• Assess other firms’ ESG reports and compare to your own needs
Course 4 – ESG Networking FREE
10:00 – 13:00
Venue: Online