
Understanding the Risks

In today’s operating environment, it is essential for every company to have robust information security and data protection infrastructure in place. For financial services organisations, this is even more important – cyberattacks are a top risk factor for most firms, and the likelihood of being attacked is significantly greater for the industry as a whole. RiskLogix understands this means it’s important to get information security right.

Protecting GRC information

For more than 15 years, RiskLogix has made information security and data protection a priority. The company, and aCCelerate GRC as a solution, adhere to key best practices and international standards. RiskLogix also works with technology partners who have the same strong commitments, and who understand the specific needs of the financial services industry in this regard.

It is not possible to list all information security measures here, but key elements of RiskLogix’s overall approach include:

For more details about our approach to information security, please reach out to us to have a conversation.