How to manage internal v external assurance in risk management
In the third in our series of blogs about independent assurance in risk management Tony and John explain the relationship and inter-dependencies between internal and
In the third in our series of blogs about independent assurance in risk management Tony and John explain the relationship and inter-dependencies between internal and
In the second in our series of blogs about independent assurance in risk management Tony and John explain why you need it. Operational Risk Software
In our next series of blogs Tony and John talk about the need for Independent Assurance within the Risk Management process covering both internal and
In this blog Tony and John discuss the various types of risk reports and their relative merits for certain audiences. Operational Risk Software can be
What do all the numbers mean in risk reporting In this blog Tony and John explain the basic principles of risk management reporting. Operational Risk
How to make risk reports more compelling In our next series of blogs Tony and John talk about the importance of reporting and how to
How do you tackle the Tail Problem in a Capital Model In our fourth and final blog on the topic of challenging risk models, Tony
Guide to parameters for challenging the Economic Capital Model In the third in our series of blogs on challenging risk models, Tony and John look
11 Parameters for modelling qualitative risk data In the second in our series of blogs on challenging risk models, Tony and John look at the
How do you challenge a risk model? In our next series of blogs Tony and John look at challenging risk models with a business rather